A visual guide of coronavirus infection, its various symptoms and the effects of the virus inside the body, in graphics.

Coronavirus pandemic has become a massive global problem. In the 21 days quarantine period, it is best that you familiarize yourself with all the important details about the Coronavirus and what would happen if you get infected.

How the virus enters your body - this is why face masks are a must. Glasses might be needed as well.

According to the WHO, dry cough, fever and breath shortage are the three primary symptoms for the contraction of Covid-19. From the infection, it would take 5 to 12 days for the symptoms to set in. Below are what happens inside your body when it was infected with Covid-19.

Viral shedding (infection period) would begin at the end of day 2 - and it would continue until cured

1 - Method of Infection

The basic symptoms of Covid 19 aren't that severe - some people might definitely overlook them

Mainly through tiny droplets of bodily fluid that was produced by a sick person when they either cough or sneeze. The virus can stay on the surface of various objects - they would then enter the body through either eyes, mouth or nose (mostly the nose). This is similar to a lot of other airborne viruses. Hot and arid weather would impede the virus.

2 - What happens when the virus attack?

Once the virus got inside, it would target the epithelial cells in the lining of the lung to replicate and kill them. This happens in the upper respiratory tract (mouth, nose, bronchi, and larynx)
The various aforementioned symptoms begin to occur after that - some might experience headache, muscle pain, and even nausea or diarrhea as well, but far less common. The virus is reported to be inside patients' waste as well - bad hygiene would definitely quicken the infection process.

The virus would infect the lung in more severe cases and create critical symptoms

3 - Pneumonia and autoimmune disease

Overall, 80% of corona patients only expressed mild cases of symptoms like those mentioned above. The other 20%, however, are experiencing severe to critical symptoms. In these cases, the virus would trek down the windpipe and enter the lung. Older people are major targets for this.

Overall, when infected you have a 1 out of 5 chances to get severe symptoms

When the virus enters the lungs, it would cause respiratory problems like pneumonia and bronchitis - which are really hard to deal with. Pneumonia would damage the cells that are used to exchange oxygen for the body - cause their linings to become thicker and choke out the air pockets that are needed to pump the oxygen into your blood.

The virus's attacks affect the airways and cause them to swell up, obstruct the airflow.

The body's immune system would send immune cells there to fight the disease off - and the results of the fight would be critical to the recovery of the patients. Older people have weaker immune systems - and that's why a lot of them perish due to the virus. The lack of oxygen would affect a lot of organs inside the body, especially the liver, kidney, and brain.

Pretty much every person who shows severe symptoms has to be hooked into a mechanical ventilator. Death is certain otherwise.

In a number of cases, the lung functions of being shut off completely, forcing the patient to run a ventilator to supply oxygen for their body. Without a ventilator ready, organ failure and death happen extremely fast. The coronavirus is extremely simple but deadly - only by knowing this behavior could you keep yourself from becoming yet another victim.

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