The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is still developing and mutating. As calculated, there are up to 8 strains of COVID-19 spreading across the world now.

The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is still developing and mutating. As calculated, there are up to 8 types of COVID-19 spreading across the world now. Health officers all over the world are also warning about the evolution of this deadly virus.

Experts Warn That Coronavirus Is Mutating

Scientists are studying the genome of coronavirus and they found some new strains. According to a report in New York Daily News, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been mutating. It has been evolving since it transferred from animals to humans for the first time in a wildlife market in Wuhan, China.

Coronavirus Is Mutating

The good news is that these new variants are less lethal and fatal than the former type. Trevor Bedford, the owner of the website, who is keeping track of the genome of coronavirus samples from all over the world, confirmed this news.

Scientists are collecting samples, studying, and tracing its development

The USA Today press explained that those studies showed how this deadly virus spreads and divides into several similar strains. Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist from Harvard University told NPR that this novel coronavirus has changed in its genome.

Questions About This Concerned News

So, the question is whether there are any significant changes in disease symptoms, infection risk, or anything else we must be concerned about. Answering this question, scientists claimed that those new variants are only a little different. They confirmed that there was no big change in the mortal rate.

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Bedford also wrote on his Twitter that the currently recorded mutation rate, about two variants per month, is completely normal in viruses. This rate is similar in flu and cold viruses. He also pointed out that the mutation rate in the flu virus is even faster.

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The genome recorded up to now brought researchers useful data in finding a cure for this disease. However, experts also confirmed that it would be a long way to go and we were just in the early stage. In addition, they agreed that there were many things to explore in coronavirus. But for the time being, micro-level variations are helping the researchers in drawing a map of the spread of pathogens across the world

Charles Chiu, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases in San Francisco Medical School, California University told USA Today that we could trace the outbreaks. Also, he confirmed that they were able to decode the genome in real-time to see which strains or variants are spreadin

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